Sunday, March 29, 2009

2nd clinic visit for Julia

Dear friends & family,
I just arrived at the Ronald McDonald house.My appointment is at 1o:15 tomorrow. We hope to be home tomorrow afternoon.Please pray that our appointment goes well. We also have the prayer pager! I will try to update my blog soon as possible.


  1. Julia,
    What great news!! We have been thinking of you and praying for you. We hope your appointment tomorrow will be a good one and you will have a safe trip home. God is so good!!
    Mrs. Patterson and Sally

  2. Julia, It was SO good to see you at the vet last week and to exchange stories about our ports, and other stuff! I know you will do well today. While you are having your medicine, I will also be having my medicine. Our ports come in handy, don't they?! I am already praying for you! (Thanks for the cream - I know it will help).
    Love you!
    Mrs. Waters

  3. Hello sweet girl..
    Kristen told me that she spoke to yesterday. She was excited to talk to you! She misses you terribly!!! I'm praying and thinking about you especially right now during your appointment time. We love you
    Mrs. Dawn

  4. Hi Julia,
    I got your card on Saturday. I hope you feel better. We miss you at church. We will be calling your pager, so sometimes when it vibrates it will be me!

  5. Hi Julia,

    Just want you to know... we are praying for you!!! Thank you for posting on this site. It helps us pray specific needs you have... and we always add prayers for extra special good things to come your way too!
    : )
    with love,
    Diane, Vandy, Erin & Andrea

  6. Hey Julia, this is Amberlyn and Madison...we are on the computer at Moms office...WOOHEE it is raining HARD! it sounds like dozens of elves are dancing on the roof!...We love you and are praying for you!!!
    Hope to see you soon..we better go before someone finds us...hee hee

    Amberlyn and Madison
