Thursday, August 13, 2009


Julia's appointment went well last week. She got medicine in her spine & in her port. She continues to be so brave! Her blood counts have remained very good, which is good for starting school. (Let's all pray for NO SWINE FLU in our schools!!) After her appointment, we all went to Dalton for the rest of the weekend to visit my aunt & uncle. Julia got to swim in their pool, and we went to the aquarium in Chatanooga on Saturday. We had a nice visit. Julia's next appointment is this Monday morning (8/17). She will miss Brookwood's registration but should be at school on Tuesday morning. She is ready to see all her friends again! On Sunday, we are planning to go to an Atlanta Braves baseball game. Camp Sunshine has gotten donated tickets for children for that game, and they will have an opportunity to meet some players & have dinner there.

Thank you all for your sweet words of encouragement. They mean so much to us. The last comments brought tears to my eyes. I think all this travelling back & forth has gotten me a little weary, but with God's help we'll just keep on keeping on & doing what we have to do. We know that we are very blessed compared to others. We look forward to "Maintenance" in November.
Thanks again for all your prayers.