Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Dear friends & family,
I got my long hairs cut off!! Small hairs were starting to grow in but we don't expect them to be there very long. Oh! My counts were as high as a normal persons!! So I went to get my teeth cleaned. I also went to Imagination Unlimited's camp today. Actually I went to my friend Kristen's house and she was going. And tonight I am going to a pampered chef party tonight!!
My cousin Pamela is coming Aug. 1!!!! School starts soon too!!


  1. No doubt you are just as cute with short hair as with long. Is it still curly or are you getting the straight hair I've heard you've always wanted? Have fun at all your activities. You'll need to go back to school just to get some rest!!

    Mrs. Sivyer :)

  2. We saw your camp pictures! Looked like so much fun! We're glad your bloodwork has been so good, too. --- We have started back to school, too. :) Have a great weekend! Love, Aunt Lynn

  3. I am so glad your counts are great. Sounds like you are having a great summer. I agree with Julie, you need to go back to school to get some rest. Have lots of fun.

  4. WOO HOO! Way to go with your blood counts! How was the Pampered Chef party? I used to sell that and they have some really cool things.
    Can't wait to see you at school! I am going back too!
    Pet Stanley for me!
